Our services

The Supercomputing Luxembourg team is the starting point for your supercomputing journey. We support you all the way from defining how you can best use supercomputing to finding partners and funding, developing skills and launching and implementing successful projects making the best use of supercomputing capabilities.  

Identification of opportunities to use a supercomputer

We help you define how you could best benefit from high-performance computing in your organisation and draw up a roadmap for how to move ahead with your supercomputing projects. 

Access to the MeluXina and University of Luxembourg supercomputers

Luxembourg has two main supercomputing resources: the national high-performance computer MeluXina and the supercomputer of the University of Luxembourg. We inform you about the access mode and how to choose one or the other, the specific features and unique characteristics of each.

We connect you with the relevant supercomputer for you to launch your HPC projects. 


Hands-on support to use HPC systems

Most supercomputer users need support in different areas to get their HPC projects up and running. Even our most experienced customers can benefit from expertise to considerably improve their processes with minor adjustments to their code.

We connect you with the experts managing Luxembourg’s supercomputers who are there to help you get on board. Their support can include, for example:

  • Scaling software solutions so that they can deal efficiently with much larger amounts of data than they were originally developed for
  • Parallelising solutions to make them run in an optimal way on a high number of CPUs (central processing units) mobilised within the HPC
  • Accelerating software so that it works on a different type of resources, GPUs (graphics processing units), that can be hundred-fold faster than CPUs for the correct workloads
  • Optimising software so that it can take advantage of the different resources used within the supercomputer in the best way possible
  • Monitoring and debugging software so that it remains as efficient as possible. To do this, you need to observe a number of different parameters: the time of execution, memory use, bottlenecks and so on
  • Designing and prototyping software solutions that are fully tailored to customers’ needs, taking into account their level of digitalisation
  • Consulting on defining the journey to become HPC and/or HPDA ready

Access to R&D capacities

Some companies interested in using supercomputing do not have a ready-made model for how to deploy their data, what they could do with it to derive a maximum of benefit, what methodology to apply and so on. They might need additional R&D capacities to be able to launch and implement projects.  

We can help you set up partnerships with public research organisations with skills and knowledge that match their needs. The Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology (LIST) and the University of Luxembourg both have extensive expertise in the field of data and HPC and are open to partnerships with the private sector.

Access to funding

Implementing large supercomputing projects obviously requires resources, both in terms of human resources and of funding. Many HPC projects have clear R&D and/or innovation aspects and could be eligible for funding provided on the national or European level. 

We help you identify R&D and innovation funding opportunities that are relevant for your supercomputing projects as well as for your long-term strategy. These notably include the national R&D and innovation funding measures provided by the Luxembourg Ministry of the Economy, the funding programmes of the National Research Fund and European funding programmes such as Horizon Europe.


Training and skills development

We organise training sessions on various topics related to supercomputing. Our experts create dedicated training materials for all courses. See our training section. 

EuroCC 2 has received funding from the European High-Performance Computing Joint Undertaking (JU) under grant agreement No 101101903. The JU receives support from the European Union’s Digital Europe Programme and Germany, Bulgaria, Austria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Lithuania, Latvia, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, France, Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg, Slovakia, Norway, Türkiye, Republic of North Macedonia, Iceland, Montenegro, Serbia.